Top Espresso Questions Answered

Top Espresso Questions Answered

Looking to dive deeper into the world of espresso? Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned barista, this guide has got you covered! Get ready to have your top espresso questions answered as we explore everything from the history of espresso to the differences...
Espresso Pucks: What Is Important?

Espresso Pucks: What Is Important?

When it comes to making espresso, there are a few things that don’t really matter. The puck’s sogginess, tamp pressure, and the ridge on the basket as these are all factors that don’t have a significant impact on the quality of the shot. The volume...
What Is A Portafilter

What Is A Portafilter

A portafilter is designed to hold ground coffee beans for making espresso and is attached to a grouphead, like the E61 grouphead, on an espresso machine to produce espresso. The portafilter consists of a metal attachment head, an opening to accept filter baskets, and...
How Much Caffeine Is In A Shot Of Espresso

How Much Caffeine Is In A Shot Of Espresso

There are a lot of variables that go into calculating how much caffeine is in a shot of espresso. You have to factor in grind size, puck depth, tamping method, bean type (caffeinated vs decaffeinated), region and elevation the coffee beans are grown in, espresso...